Sunday, March 3, 2013

Jiro dream of Sushi

I have been meaning to watch this movie for such a long time, it was introduced to me more than a year ago from a friend with which we share the joy of eating sushi and for no apparent reason i never got to watch it until two weeks ago.
This movie is amazing in a whole new level.i believe documentaries are in general boring, but when a good one comes out it is a thousand times better than non-documentary ones.

The movie is about Jiro, a Japanese guy who owns a sushi restaurant, a very famous one for which you have to wait around3,4 months to get to eat in. the food is very simple, but it is made specifically for the costumer, one by one by jiro himself. there are so much love and attention that he puts in every little detail of the work that makes you wonder if your whole life is meaningless comparing to his.

He has been working since he was a little kid and never even took a vacation, and asked his sons and all the people working for him the same thing.
everything should be at the level of perfection at his restaurant, he says no small step is less important that other steps, from choosing the fish, to making the rice, making the egg cake, cutting, marinating, making the sushi, everything should be done only in the best possible way.

I recommend watching this movie to any sushi lover, food lover, documentary lover, film lover and anyone else, you can take so many lessons out of it,and get such a good feeling after watching it.

8.5 out of 10 starts for this masterpiece ;D
I should also mention that eating at his restaurant is on top of my bucket list, jus saying

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