Monday, January 19, 2015

Big eyes

We love Tim Burton,we go and watch whatever he makes or slightly is associated with and  have we ever been disappointed? NO, except his recent break up with the long time girlfriend whom we love as much (dude seriously?!?)

He always gets this deep but small things about life that we rarely notice and add lots of magic and weirdness to it and we watch it, we get excited and later we think about it and say ahaaa!!!

Big eyes is not an exception, the story of a divorce painter and her daughter who ran away to SF and they meet this con artist fake painter. He later gets married to the painter and sells her art under his own name, makes a fortune and becomes famous by keeping the woman suppressed , making her draw these pictures of kids with giant eyes.

The movie shows how one can simply gets trapped in a situation and never gets the courage to get out simply by not using their brains. Also it hows how in an unhealthy relationship one can simply loses their identity by making a monster out of the other person.

But most importantly this movie is weird, in a beautiful way, something between beetle juice and well I am not sure, maybe this is the most conventional movie from Tim Burton.Also very good act from Amy Adams, of a woman whose divorce made her lose herself where there are multiple times you want to shout at the screen and say WOMAN, please!!!

I give a happy 7/10 to this and recommend it to everyone, you will thank me later , tata

P.S. apparently the movie is based on a real story !

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Generation War ("Unsere Mütter, unsere Väter" )

I can't say that I an expert on WWII history or I watched all of the movies about it, but I certainly do have this obsession or fascination about the whole concept. I watch the movies and wonder HOW, how suddenly one day you start becoming the enemy of your friends and neighbors, or you move all the way to another country and kill its people , or tell people of a country that they are not allowed to live there anymore, more important than that, who are we as humans to decide about others' lives . These are all I think when I watch war movies, and WWII specifically because each of those movies illustrate different sides of the war.

This movie or better say three episodes of the movie is by far one of the most beautiful movies that I watched about WWII, simply because you see all these groups, and non of them are the bad guys and the rest the good ones.The victim is all the people who are involved from each side and at some point some of them lose their humanities, some come back to their senses and some simply just follow like a ship.

The story is about 5 friends at the time of the war living in Germany. One becomes a nurse at the front, one is a lieutenant of the Nazi's , his brother is a simple soldier and one becomes an aspiring singer. The story happens over the years of 1941 to 1945 and during this time their paths cross each others frequently.
What I loved about this movie is how well the interaction between people is shown, when they are thorn between who they love and who they have to support and how they think they have to be loyal and try to belong.

I would definitely recommend watching this movie if you have a good 3 nights to finish it, and give a 8.5/10 to it

Monday, January 12, 2015

Still Alice

I am writing this as I still have tears in my eyes from the beauty of this movie, of how unexpected life is, how we are blessed that we are healthy and how it is hard for families who have someone with a non curable disease.

This story is about Alice, a middle aged ( around 50 year old ) Columbia linguistic professor, very smart and very successful, who has an amazing marriage and three children. She realizes that she has problem remembering things and after doing many MRIs and test she is diagnosed with early age alzheimer's which was genetically passed on to her from her father.
Julianne Moore does a great job playing Alice's role and showing her struggle as the disease is progressing and it makes her lose her identity, abilities and language which she was defined with them. It is amazing how you can deeply feel what happens to her and how her memory is deteriorating and she is struggling to survive but leaving notes and alarms and practice memorizing all the time.
Another beautiful thing about the movie is how her family are coping with the situation all of them being very supportive and helpful specially her husband and then her younger daughter with whom she didn't have a deep relationship.

I would definitely recommend watching this movie if you have the heart to do it because it gets very emotional, I would give a 7/10 to this movie 

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Gone Girl

I am not sure how this post is going to turn out since I have mixed feelings towards this movie.
I was hearing all the huffs and puffs about the movie and told myself that I am going to be disappointed since I am not the biggest David Fincher fan , don't get me wrong, I love fight club, but he is just not my type and it is not him, it is me (LOL, it is so NOT me).

The idea of the movie is brilliant, like those movies that you think whoever came up with it is a very harmful person for the society and he movie is well made. They easily played with people's assumptions and feelings towards the characters but it was too freaking long. In my opinion they could easily make 2 movies out of this one and each of them would be as interesting. I felt that they had too many ideas that they wanted to squeeze them into one movie which resulted in this stew of cheating, childhood problem,family problem, genius vs ordinary and killing . I could not possibly think of one of them to focus on. Well my boyfriend definitely did not like the movie but I think it is because the girl was a freaking genius and she tricked the guy very well for a revenge , HAHA.

The story is about a city girl lost in the character of a series of story books she write and a simple village guy married together and at some point the girl feels bored and lost and probably the guy feels inadequate and a series of events happen which I am not gonna spoil them here.

I should say that the acts were amazing and the scenes and the music were good too. But after a while I got too bored and I guess I felt asleep for the last 15 minutes of the movie.

I would give a 7/10 to this movie and would recommend watching it if you are either obsessed with David Fincher OR have 3 extra hours that you really have no idea what to do with it.

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

The Interview

Well I should say that whether North Korean hacked Sony or they just made the story to advertise for the movie, they wanted to sound important or anything else, I watched this movie from a very cynical point of view. With the IMDb score falling from 9.9 to 7.3 in two nights I was sure this is not gonna be the best movie ever BUT honestly it was not that bad.

The story is about the cast of a cheesy TV serie going to NK for an interview with the leader to make their program look more important , along the way FBI interferes and ask them to kill the leader !!!
They go to NK and one of the guys (James Franco) become friends with the leader and fall into their trap.

Seth Rogen is funny, and it was clear that they tried their best to make a funny movie, which was semi successful because I laughed a couple of times, but other than that I didn't get the big deal and why would NK hack Sony for it.

Anyways, If you want to go through the trouble of finding it online, or pay to rent it, I wouldn't keep you from doing it for 6/10.

Penguins of Madagascar

I always appreciate a good funny animation, especially if it has cute stuff in it.
I am not sure if this movie is a sequel to Madagascar, but something parallel to that about those ninja penguins.
Very well made animation with cute penguins and funny little things happening and actually if you pay enough attention, there are a lot of references to random things.

I would definitely recommend watching this movie if you are bored, sad or have nothing else to do, you won't be disappointed with a 6/10.

P.S. Definitely pay a lot of attention to the dialogues , I was rolling on the floor laughing the whole time