Thursday, July 12, 2012

Snow white and the huntsman

This Monday i started watching a very good movie, since i am busy during the week and the movie is very long, i have not finished it yet ( YES, i am capable of watching movies like tv ;P). I am not going to give out the movie's name, but i am going to talk about Snow white and the huntsman .

I watched this movie about a month ago, i dragged a guy friend of mine which i liked very much to watch it with me and i wish i didn't. The movie was so long and so boring that we were both almost asleep after the first two hour ;)

I noticed that Snow white got a come back early this summer with at least 3 related movies. I am not a big fan of snow white because from the beginning the whole story was a little stupid and couldn't make sense for me, but all these stars playing in the movie, and the horror atmosphere took me to the theater.

There was nothing new in the story, the devil witch asks someone to kill snow white but he falls for her and they destroy the witch. Well this one was a more mature version, there was no poisonous apple, some sexy scenes, some war scenes a beast and finally to make the film deeper they put an unresolved family problem in the movie but still, it had nothing new to show and seriously i am not sure why they made the movie. In the same week i watched the movie " mirror, mirror" which I am going to talk about in another post , and that one was a little bit better ( still annoying)

I am going to give 3/10 to this movie, sorry miss throne, but you sucked big time.

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