Friday, July 6, 2012

Roman Holiday

I honestly can not be unbiased about this movie because i am in love with audry hepburn,and i think ican say after "breakfast at Tiffany" this was the best movie that i saw from her. As always , she is the innocent energetic cute little girl who steal everyones heart with her charm.
A girlish comedy romance with the cliche story and scenes but the acts were so good that somehow made this movie a different one from the other.

A princess who is somehow and in a very weird way naiive ( which was the only questionable part of the movie) runs away from her embassy in rome and meet a journalist who is tempted to abuse her presence for a moneymaker story. they spend a day together and fall in love at the end.

I highly recommend those who are interested in classics to watch this movie. and as a comedy romance fan expert i am going to give 6.5/10 to this movie. Enjoy

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