Sunday, February 1, 2015


I am trying to watch all the academy award nominees before the event and JUST because I have so much free time (lol,kidding, I am defending my thesis in a month or so also) and every movie is disappointing me after the other one.

Me and my friend have been debating whether to watch this movie or not because from the trailer and all the awards it won it looks kind of a conceptual movie and I am not good with understanding conceptual movies even in my own language and culture, but then I gave it a shot and to my surprise, there is nothing sophisticated about this movie.

Birdman is about the struggle of a lead actor of an old superhero series called birdman who refused to continue playing in it with the dream of going to Broadway, but simply he is not a broadway material.

The acts are good in this movie, but the whole story is very mundane , and the birdman accompanying the guy throughout the movie is a little bit annoying.

Unless there are several layers of understanding and I am stuck at level one, this is an OK movie and I would only say watch it if you are very much into theater and shows and movies and how critiques work ( the concepts I mean) and will give a 5/10 to this movie !

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