Monday, November 11, 2013

Before midnight

Right after i started watching this movie i realized it is the sequel to before sunrise and before sunset, two of the most touching ( not the best) movies i ever watched.

The movie depicts a sad truth about life, which is everything is passing, nothing lasts forever and nothing is eternal. And if you believe in this fact, which is very hard for some people, life would be very easy. It is simply saying don't look at your relationships as promises that are made in another world for you, do not expect too much and do not expect them to be perfect. No two people are meant to be together, nothing is meant to be, things happen and one should learn to enjoy them before they end.

The story happens when the guy and the girl are finally together, living in France with their twin girls, while the guy's son is living in the US with her mom.

It starts with the son leaving France after a summer break and the guy starts having the idea of moving back to the US to be close to his son, while the girl is just starting a new successful career.

For a trip they go to Greece and live with a group of people for a couple of days,meanwhile they go through a very sensitive stage of their relationship when they have to decide what is that make them stay together, If any.

I believe the challenges of a relationship is beautifully shown in this movie, i could connect easily and remember times of my life where i was going through the same questions and doubts. The story is very simple and it just wants to let the audience know that they have to pass through all those details that might or might not matter in one's life and look at what they have right now and how important that is in their lives.

I liked this movie very much though it was not all sweet and feeling good and i give 7 of 10 to it.

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