Sunday, October 13, 2013

The Bling Ring (spoiler alert)

I had this idea that Sophia Coppola is one of my favorite directors and i love all of her movies. Well i definitely loved lost in translation and virgin suicide, but this time i am still lost.
Did she want to make a movie t show obsession with celebrities? Or with getting famous? Or rich? Or she just made a movie just because.
Even if the movie is based on a true story, It could be a short movie, or a commercial, not a whole 1:30 having the audience in suspense that something amazing is going to happen.

The movie is about a group of teenagers obsession over celebrities' lifestyles so bad that they would go to their houses and steal their stuff. And finally all got caught.
Hmm, lets see .. yeah , that was all it.

For me who is personally obsessed with fine clothing, the movie was not that boring, at least i was seeing what i love the most, but for anyone else, it is not recommended. Unless there is a deep meaning in the movie that i yet have not discovered.

I am giving a 4/10 to this movie only because i love Birkins and Loubouis ;D, but see it for yourself cause it got 59% on rotten tomato .

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