Sunday, April 28, 2013

Jack the giant slayer

I remember i was 5 years old and i just learnt how to read,a whole new world was opened to me.I used to read and read and read, staying up all nights, while eating, even i have so many ruined books because i used to read while i was in the shower,i grew up with fairy tales and fables and one of my favorites of course was anything by Hans Christian Anderson.I knew all his stories by heart, like i lived them all.

These days i have been pretty stressed out and when i am in anxiety mode i watch, nonstop, while sleeping, right when i wake up, while at work(as a back ground of course) and i am fortunate because we have a $ theatre close to our house, so i went and watched every single movie they are showing and tonight i watched Jack and the giant slayer.

I went there with hopes and high expectations and it didn't disappoint was a nice entertaining movie, of course with beautiful scenery and in 3D which made it much more exciting. To many people probably it is a little childish but to be honest i loved it.I knew the story, but the whole experience was a sweet memory to me.

As far as the story ,well we all know there is this Jack guy who finds some magic beans and and goes to a new world up in the sky where giants live and at the end he saves the world from giants. but there was something about the movie, something nice, calming, exciting, very smooth, good acts, everything came together and made me entertained and i had a smile getting out of the movie theatre.

So a very much biased rating will be 8 out of 10 to this movie, just because it made me forget my problems for 1.5 hour.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Identity theft

To be honest, funny movies are not my thing, well i admit that i loved bridesmaids or horrible bosses to some extend, but I would rarely personally sit and watch a funny movie and laugh by myself.

But IF the movie is on $ theatre and i am with my friends, and it is a Tuesday night so i have nothing else to do, and the funny chubby lady from bridesmaids is in it i wouldn't say no.

The movie is about a woman stealing a hardworking guy's identity and while he is struggling providing for his family with a baby on the way, the woman is living luxuriously on his credit cards. Once he guy realizes and his whole life is on the edge of being ruined he decides to go and find the woman.
miraculously he finds her and through some serious actions and accidents he takes her to his hometown, where the police actually would catch her.

if it was not because of the woman, the movie would be so boring, but she brought so much color and whim to it.

In General if you are extremely bored please watch this movie ,or not ;D

I am giving 4 out of 10 to identity theft, Wait, isn't that too much for it?

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A monster in Paris

Cute and adorable, two words describing this animation made by Europa Corp (?!?).
I love animations when they are not too childish or when they are amazingly created. this animation was one of the good ones i recently watched. about an over sized lace who can sing very well. There are also two parallel love story make the movie somewhat more interesting.

The whole story happens in 1990s in Paris, somewhat funny, somewhat romantic and very well made and it starts when a very pretty and talented singer finds a giant lace which brought horror to the city recently. to our surprise the lace a very high level of artistic talent. but an officer is trying to catch the so called monster and he ends up being sent to the jail for being violent.

I was in general, happy with the experience of watching this animation , especially because of the delightful soundtracks and the can not they used state of the art technology to make this animation,but your eyes won't suffer watching it (ok quality)

i am somewhat biased towards animations so i am going to give 6/10 to this and i recommend watching it.

P.S. don't worry about it being french because the language of the movie is English.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


I postponed watching Argo as far as i could. tonight feeling mentally totally fine i decided it should happen, and to my surprise, i am not angry at all right now.well i am angry at academy awards to pay attention to such a Hollywood movie, but those awards are extremely political and have no artistic value.

Me, being a Persian, living in the US, hating ben affleck, am probably the most biased audience of this movie, so i told myself go watch it as if you are someone from Mars, and i did, and i actually found the movie almost entertaining.

I am not going to get into the political and historical stuff because first i am not qualified to comment and second i don't like to, so my comments are based on the movie if it was not from a real event.

The movie is about 6 of the US embassy staff trapped in a house in Tehran after occupying the embassy by Iran revolutionists in  1979. Ben affleck being a member of CIA decides to rescue them by putting them under cover of a Canadian film production crew visiting Iran.

The movie did not have strong acts and powerful scenes,the only bright point was when the Americans were trying to get on the plane while the revolutionist found out about them and were trying to catch them. ( i got surprisingly nervous for them)

The more in think the more i realize the movie has nothing more than this in it.

So i am going to give it 2 out of 10 and do not recommend watching it to anyone, lol sorry mr. affleck