Monday, December 3, 2012

Wreck it ralph

In the past couple of weeks i didn't have enough time to visit theaters as much  and as frequent as i usually do, hence i didn't have enough time to review what i watched.
I want to start the reviews of what i watched by the animation wreck it ralph.
You don't need to be a video game fan to like this movie  but Of course if you are a video game player you would connect.

Once again i fell in love with another Disney creation. It is witty , funny and colorful.
The story of a nice guy with a bad character from a video game who needs to be appreciated, which is an odd thing for a bad character. He jumps through different video games and become friends with a little girl.

I must confess the movie does not worth paying $13 to go to theater or $17 for the 3D, because it didn't have any 3D effect.

But it was a CUTE movie, which at the end outs a smile on your face.

I will give a 6/10 to this movie.